Monday, July 11, 2011

Super Hero Birthday!

A few weeks ago I was pondering Miles' birthday...I didn't know if I was going to have a tiny little family party or if we should have a "big" birthday party. I decided on a "big" party. Miles has been talking about what he wants for his birthday for a few months. You know how kids are when you walk through a store and they say, "I want that toy!", and parents usually say, "Well, maybe for your birthday or Christmas, whichever is closer. So I have been asking him what he wants for his upcoming birthday and he kept saying, "I want Incredible Hulk stuff." The thing is, he doesn't have any Hulk stuff and I've never really seen his friends have any either...hummm?

So that's when I decided that we could have a superhero party since the Hulk is a superhero. I thought I could make a Hulk cake and that would just make Miles' day:) I could even buy him some Hulk stuff for his birthday (but they didn't have any Hulk stuff at Target or Toys R' Us so that didn't exactly work out.)

As I began my birthday party Bing image research. I found a ton of cute ideas and decided that I would make cupcakes. (I've been obsessed with cupcakes since I had my first cupcake shop experience when Marc and I took a trip to Chicago about a year or more ago). Hulk, Iron Man, Spider-man, Batman, and Captian America. This was a whole education to me-superheros:) Marc of course knew all of the super-heros.

I also found these super cute super-hero printouts to create Tootsie Pop Heros;)
Buildings and little superhero cut-outs that you can't see very well. I had about 6-7 superheros stuck up on the wall...then Marc came home and made about 10 more...he really knows his superheros and villains too. It must be a guy thing;)
Mom and Aunt Marty, partners in crime, were the first to arrive...duh...duh..duhhhhhh!

Little brother has to get a gift too!

Time for dinner...spaghetti!

Look how excited he is!!!
Miles' new friends having fun with water balloons!!!Masks and capes were provided! Some even wanted to change characters a few times.

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