Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why Cookies?

I've been thinking about quitting my job for about six months now. Marc and I had to slowly introduce the idea to his parents as they would have to help us with the more expensive health insurance option. This is all because of the fact that we wouldn't be on my much cheaper school group insurance and since Marc works for his dad's company. One day while introducing the idea of quitting my job to Ron, Marc's dad, he said something to the sort of, "Well, your just not the type to stay-at-home and bake cookies all day." He said,"You'll find something else to do eventually to help bring in some more money." "You're a creative person and you have been on lock down for a while now with the kids and your job." Those words just sort of stuck in my head and as I begin my life as a stay-at-home mom I realized that it is indeed not easy. I choose to name my blog "Staying Home to Make Cookies" because it is extremely sarcastic:)

I had to realize that staying at home wasn't going to be easy, but staying an art teacher and a mom was going to be even more difficult. Instead of having the challenges and stresses of the kids at school in the art room; I was going to trade the school kids for my kids and have my own challanges and stresses at home. Staying at home does have it's perks, but it does not make life super simple. Although, I have come to realize that I am a happier person "staying home to make cookies."

My desire to write this blog was also brought on by my cousin's wife's blog called Fur Lined Toilet Seats. She has given me a beautiful view to the world of being a wife and momma. Thanks Fatima! I hope my Blog inspires and tickles you as much as her's has for me:)

Country Club

Thinking about joining a country club! I've been trying to think of a good pool to take the kids to. Marc suggested that we join the Devon Country Club. He said it was right by our house. So we went to check it out today. I never thought of myself as a country club member!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Balloons and Meat

Today I awoke with a fair amount of sleep and started my daily routine. I put on some fresh coffee and began to start my day. The kids are beginning to find their toys and start their day of play. I will be on hand to help them sort out any disagreements and to kiss their boo-boos when they need it. It was a pretty calm morning.

10:30 struck and I realized that I had a dentist appointment at well, 10:30. So I called the office and they just told me to come ahead in. I really didn't want to take the kids so I called my dear sweet mother-in-law (she really is dear and sweet) and she said she would watch them.

I left the house alone and started realizing the 2 hours of freedom that I would be having as I took my vacation to the dentist. I felt like I was on top of the world. Like nothing could stop me or any dream I wanted to have. Like the world was perfect! It is an amazing feeling, feeling this way. I sat in the waiting room looking through all kinds of magazines. It was fun and at the same time disturbing to look at all that media. The dental appointment went just fine. There was a grocery store right beside the the dentist and we were out of a few essentials so I went ahead over there and got just what I needed.

I drove home with that same song in my heart. I decided to stop at the nearby CVS to get some water balloons for the boys to play with. They had a prior experience this morning with a water balloon type tool and asked about getting some actual water balloons before I left.

When I got home I immediately got out of the van and started to fill up the balloons. Miles and Max loved them! We made big balloons and small balloons. They popped some of them and horded some of them like little jewels. They had to practice sharing the hose since there was only one. And I was there to tie the balloons up. It was beautiful and summer-y. A good time for all.

After having fun with the balloons, I decided that I should probably get to work with some of the over grown weeds in our flower beds. So I put the kids to nap and went outside to start picking. As I was picking, I realized that I had not put my groceries away!!! It had been an hour and a half and I had purchased 2 packages of chicken and a thing of bacon and LEFT THEM IN THE VAN!!! You should have seen my face as I scurried to the van to save my meat and other groceries!!! I was so upset with myself!!! I was just thinking about all the money I had wasted...disgusted! I tried to calm myself and realized that if I cooked the meat it would be ok. Being that my mother was raised during the great depression-she had taught me a few things about how long meat would stay fresh. Wish us luck in the next few days as we have our meals!!!

It's funny how things can be so blissful and then so extremely stressful so quickly all in one day!